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The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell

Jul 30, 2019

Welcome back to the show ya’ll! Today I’m talking with another amazing student guest about coding, art, and student-led innovation. Ainsley McClard is going into the 7th grade next year and she chats about some amazing projects she’s been involved in, what she thinks about the grading system, and why she started...

Jul 23, 2019

Welcome back to the show ya’ll! On this episode, I got to talk to Cate Tolnai and Lindsey Blass about their new book Power Up Your Classroom! They share their passion for gamifying the classroom with game-based learning and teaching through play. We discuss what types of classroom environments are appropriate...

Jul 16, 2019

Today’s show is a little bit different y’all. I spent some time with 10 educators talking about 10 awesome ways to use Flipgrid in your classroom [LIVE from ISTE] at the Flipgrid booth. You won’t want to miss the big updates Flipgrid announced at ISTE that Adam “Short-Shorts” Goldberg shares!

The educators...

Jul 9, 2019

Today on the show I have Jaime Casap, Google’s Chief Education Evangelist and lead advocate of the problem-solving generation. Jaime credits his less-than opportune upbringing and his luck in education for his current position. He wants to share his “luck” with other students just like him so that this generation...

Jul 2, 2019

Are you a tech coach, instructional coach, or something in between? Maybe you dream of one day being a coach? Ready to learn the top 10 secrets of being an awesome tech coach? This episode is for YOU! Being a coach is no walk in the park, but I can help make it easier.

It takes a strong foundation, experience,...