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The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell

Nov 19, 2019

I chat a lot about Google Certification, but I haven’t taken a deep dive into it yet on the Shake Up Learning Show! Today, I’ll dig into what certifications there are, how to get them (and how hard it is), and what resources can help.

If you’re interested in becoming a Google Certified educator (level 1, level 2, trainer, or innovator), this is the episode for you!

And if you’re wondering why you should care or be interested, here’s a fun fact: this entire podcast wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t become Google Certified. Neither would my book. I wouldn’t be talking to you today if I hadn’t taken those steps!

Let’s dive in! First, I’ll explore what Level 1 certification means, and what you can expect from the test. I’ll then talk about some ways to prepare for the exam. I’ll then do the same for Level 2.

At that point, you might be wondering about the differences between the training that Google offers compared to my courses. Don’t worry, I’ll explain exactly how they’re different!

From there, I’ll talk about becoming a Google Certified Trainer. I’ll cover the various requirements (one of which I didn’t meet the first time I applied!) as well as the six steps to becoming a Certified Trainer.

I’ve helped thousands of people become Google Certified, and I can help you, too! I hope this episode has answered a lot of your questions and explained why the programs are so great, and I look forward to taking the next steps with you.


In This Episode:

[00:28] - Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s episode is all about Google certification, Kasey explains.

[02:02] - Before we talk about Google Certification, Kasey takes a moment to send a shout out to all of the new Google Certified Innovators from the Sydney class of 2019!

[03:25] - It’s time to talk about how to get Google Certified! Kasey explains why the process is so important to her.

[05:30] - Kasey explains that there are four different certifications for educators: Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2, Google Certified Trainer, and Google Certified Innovator.

[06:18] - Kasey offers listeners a FREE ebook: The Complete Guide to Google Certifications!

[06:46] - We learn about the Google for Education Teacher Center.

[07:34] - Let’s talk about Level 1 and Level 2 certification first! Kasey explains what a Level 1 educator can do, and chats about how to prepare.

[11:11] - Kasey goes deeper into what’s covered in the Level 1 exam.

[13:26] - We move onto Level 2, which requires being able to “successfully integrate a wider range of Google for Education tools and other technologies.”

[15:40] - Kasey talks about the requirements for becoming Level 2 Certified, and mentions what’s covered in the exam.

[17:38] - We learn about Kasey’s Level 2 Toolkit, which is another three-in-one download.

[18:27] - Kasey takes a moment to talk specifically about the self-paced, video-based courses that she offers for Level 1 and Level 2.

[21:34] - We hear about the differences between the Google Teacher Center and Kasey’s courses.

[23:19] - Kasey moves onto talking about Google Certified Trainer, explaining who it’s designed for and talking about what’s offered in her course.

[25:34] - If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Google Certified Trainer, check out Kasey’s Google Certified Trainer Academy!

[25:46] - Kasey explains that there are six steps to becoming a Google Certified Trainer.

[29:11] - We hear more about Kasey’s Google Certified Trainer Academy, and how it compares to her other courses.

[31:37] - The enrollment period for all three of Kasey’s courses will open on Nov. 19th for a limited time, she explains. To learn more or sign up, check out:

The Google Certified Educator Level 1 Academy

The Google Certified Educator Level 2 Academy

Become a Google Certified Trainer Online Course

Interested in more than one course? Kasey offers special deals when you bundle courses!

[33:56] - Kasey takes a moment to talk about the Certified Innovator program, and why she doesn’t offer a course for it.

[39:01] - Kasey points out that Google doesn’t pay your way to the locations for the Certified Innovator academies.

[40:32] - We hear about how many people Kasey has helped to become Google Certified.

[42:04] - Thank you for tuning in! Please take a moment to leave a review on iTunes (using the word “y’all” for bonus points!).

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

The Shake Up Learning Show

The Shake Up Learning Community on Facebook

Join the Shake Up Learning Book Study!

Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning from Static to Dynamic by Kasey Bell

Education Podcast Network

#Syd19 on Twitter

Google for Education Teacher Center

Google for Education Teacher Center (Certified Innovator)

The Google Certified Educator Level 1 Toolkit

The Google Certified Educator Level 2 Toolkit

Google Certified Trainer Academy