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The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell

Nov 26, 2019

The Hour of Code is coming! Are you ready?

This post and podcast episode will give you everything you need to get ready to participate in the Hour of Code and Computer Science Education Week in 2019.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, computer science skills are vastly becoming some of the most in-demand skills of the twenty-first century. In fact, some call it a new “superpower."

But we have a big problem. There more computer science jobs than the U.S. can fill with qualified candidates.

Computer Science has become part of every industry. Technology is everywhere and coding is the backbone of how it all works.

So we can't sit idly by and hope that some of our students will decide to take an interest in Computer Science, we need to give them exposure to coding and build those foundational skills.

The Hour of Code will not only give our students computer science skills but also help us cultivate creativity and critical thinking skills.

Guess what? You don't have to be a coding expert to facilitate these experiences with your students.


Thank you to GaETC and all the amazing educators in Georgia!

Do you have a question or idea to share on the podcast? Leave me a message here:

Gearing Up for the Hour of Code

What is Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) and The Hour of Code?

Computer Science Education Week or CSEdWeek is an annual program designed to inspire K-12 students to take an interest in computer science. The program was originated by the Computing in the Core coalition,, and is supported by partners and educators worldwide. The philosophy is simple but significant: every student deserves the opportunity to learn computer science.

The Hour of Code is a global movement in over 180 countries and is a quick way to introduce coding to students or anyone. Anyone can learn the basics of computer science in a fun and easy way! By spending as little as one hour, you can spark coding interest in your students with one-hour lesson plans, tutorials, interactives, and games.

How to Run an Hour of Code

Ready to get started? Running an Hour of Code doesn’t have to be complicated. The resources are abundant and easy-to-follow. Sign-up here to get FREE resources!

The activities are self-directed. Teachers do not need to stand in front of the class and actually teach code! This is easy, y'all!

No matter what grade level you teach, or what devices you have available, every student can participate in the Hour of Code and learn the basic principles that apply to all programming languages (like sequencing and looping). There are even options to go “unplugged” if you do not have access to devices in your classroom because students can learn computer science principles with something as simple as a deck of cards.

Classroom Tips

When your students come across difficulties it's okay to respond:

  • “I don’t know. Let’s figure this out together.”
  • “Technology doesn’t always work out the way we want.”
  • “Learning to program is like learning a new language; you won’t be fluent right away.”

What if a student finishes early?

  • Students can see all tutorials and try another Hour of Code activity.
  • Or, ask students who finish early to help classmates who are having trouble with the activity.


  • Print certificates for your students.
  • Print "I did an Hour of Code!" stickers for your students.
  • Order custom t-shirts for your school.
  • Share photos and videos of your Hour of Code event on social media. Use #HourOfCode and @codeorg so we can highlight your success, too!

Coding Resources & Lessons

There are hundreds of free resources, lesson plans, tutorials and events that bring the power of coding into the K-12 classroom.  CLICK HERE: to get all the Hour of Code Activities.

Podcast Question of the Week

  • What is your plan for the hour of code and CSEdweek?
  • Join the discussion here!
  • Post your answers in the Shake Up Learning community or on your favorite social platform.

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