Jun 11, 2019
Today, we are chatting about one of my favorite topics: Digital Differentiation with G Suite!
Differentiation is a big buzzword in teaching, but it is often easier said than done.
Let’s discover ways to use our favorite Google tools to level the playing field and make differentiation a reality in your classroom.
This student-centered teaching strategy helps us reach all learners.
G Suite tools help teachers and students communicate and manage multiple assignments with ease.
Listen closely for step-by-step instructions, implementation ideas, and some Google tips that will save you time and reap many benefits for you and your students.
I hope this episode inspires you to dig deeper into differentiated instruction, and how to use the tools you have available to support all of the learners in your classroom.
In This Episode:
[00:28] - Kasey welcomes listeners to the show and reveals today’s topic: Digital Differentiation — with G Suite Tools.
[01:17] - This week’s shoutout goes to Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School in Mandeville, LA. They made it through the Dynamic Learning Workshop just before school let out! Learn more about The Dynamic Learning Workshop here and the online course.
[03:07] - Let’s discuss digital differentiation using G Suite and why this is such a hot topic.
[04:01] - Kasey refers back to the master of differentiated instruction, Carol Ann Tomlinson, who has authored several books on the topic:
[04:56] - Learn what differentiation is and is not.
[06:31] - Dig into the 3 components of digital differentiation from Susan Oxvenad.
[08:11] - Kasey mentions three key areas that can be differentiated:
[08:47] - Why differentiate digitally?
[09:31] - Kasey breaks down the different Google Tools that teachers can use to support differentiation, including Google Classroom, Google Forms, and Google Slides.
[10:13] - Google Classroom allows teachers to send assignments to only selected students rather than the whole class.
[11:14] - Kasey provides some tips for using Google Classroom in conjunction with differentiated assignments (full blog post).
Tips for Naming Differentiated Assignments in Google Classroom
Tips for Differentiated Assignment Directions in GC
Tips for Group Differentiated Assignments in GC
Student Choice Assignment Tips
Long Term Projects, Modifications, or Enrichment
(For more ideas, listen to episode 5 of The Google Teacher Tribe.)
[15:43] - G Suite is the perfect companion to create digital choice boards. Learn more in Episode 8, and get the FREE eBook!
[16:34] - Kasey talks about creating choice boards in G Suite.
[19:18] - We dive into Google Forms and how you can differentiate questions (full blog post) and allow students to review content, go on a Choose Your Own Adventure, or even have the questions get progressively more difficult.
[21:16] - Kasey provides an example of how to use Google Forms to create a branching assessment or review.
[25:00] - Google Forms can be very complicated. Kasey offers great tips to make your forms successful and effective teaching tools.
Google Forms Branching Tips
Other Ways to Use Branching in Google Forms
[20:16] - A friend of Kasey’s, Sylvia Duckworth, created a Choose Your Own Adventure form for her French class that allowed students to create their own ending to a story!
[30:08] - We can’t leave out Google Slides, the Swiss army knife of G Suite! Kasey gives tips on how to use slides to create interactive assignments.
[33:13] - Kasey shares the podcast questions of the week: “How do you use digital tools to differentiate learning in your classroom? Name one new idea you will try in your classroom.” Post your answer to your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #ShakeUpLearning, or share it in the Shake Up Learning Community on Facebook!
[34:35] - Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to the podcast, and leave a review on iTunes. (Bonus points if you use the word “y’all” in your review!)
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Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning from Static to Dynamic by Kasey Bell